Friday, May 26, 2006

will I learn my lesson?

Once again, it's release time. And, again I'm in the middle of it all. And, everyone is taking vacation. Time to post nonsensical ramblings, incomplete thoughts, and bad grammar. I'm feeling very burnt out.

Why don't I realize that work will never be finished? And, that it's OK to leave work after putting in _only_ a 8 hour day... particularly when we are supposed to work 7.5 hour days.

I hate leaving in the middle of something. I thought my speedy internet connection would mean I'd be able to work more from home... but it's still hard to interrupt myself when I'm focused on something. But, it is good at making geeks jealous.

Liz has been working a lot of late shifts, so I feel less urgency than usual to go home at a decent time.
Last couple weeks have all been ~60 hours. Co-Worker #1 has been out on vacation or traveling, so there's no one to pester me to go home.