Thursday, January 18, 2007

return of the lame book reviews

Enough job whining. Time for more lame book reviews. Hooray!
  • A Dirty Job, by Christopher Moore -- Man discovers he is Death. Or, at least, one of Death's little helpers. Very funny. Very sad. Very good.
  • Old Man's War, by John Scalzi -- Earth's Colonial Defense Force only accepts recruits that are over 75 years old. Very good
  • The Android's Dream, by John Scalzi -- Best. First. Paragraph. Ever. "Dirk Moeller didn't know if he could fart his way into a major diplomatic incident. But he was ready to find out." Very funny. Very good.
  • The Algebraist, by Iain M. Banks -- I didn't like it as much as his Culture novels, but still good.