Sunday, September 18, 2005

They can have my girly drink when they pry it from my cold, dead hands

As if it wasn't shameful enough that I have the drinking habits of a teenage girl, the Utah AG would like to remove my beloved girly drinks from the grocery store.

I think this means I need to start drinking out of spite.


Mark N. said...

I about shit myself when I saw the Utah Nazi coalition trying to remove these wonderful treats from the grocery store. They said something about teenager girls primarily drink them. I think we should go down and show them that big fat 30 year old guys (that aren't gay) like them too!!!

Anonymous said...

Aren't gay? Don't you know who this blog belongs to?

What is this girly drink that you, "obviously masculine and heterosexual," studs are talking about? Your link has gone the way of the dodo.

neeber said...

Damn you, Salt Lake Tribune! I've updated the link.