Monday, September 04, 2006

snot, books, movies

Finally getting over the cold I've had for the past week... And after days of bad TV, finally received the stuff I'd ordered from Amazon.

My brother-in-law got me hooked on Tim Powers. Finished On Stranger Tides, and Three Days to Never this weekend. On Stranger Tides had pirates and voodoo. Awesome. But, I think I liked his latest, Three Days to Never, even more. Very suspenseful and kept me guessing about what was going on (in a good way... with enough bread-crumbs to make guessing fun rather than annoying). Still trying to decide if I liked how it ended or not.

Finishing the last book now. Nightwatch, by Sergei Lukyanenko. Lots of fun too. Trying to decide if I'll pick up the DVD too.

Also in the package, one of my favoriate movies: Safe Men. A couple of untalented lounge-singers mistaken for safe-crackers by a low-level mobster 'Veal Chop' (Paul Giamatti) with the Rhode Island Jewish Mafia. Great cast: Sam Rockwell, Steve Zahn, Harvey Fierstein, Peter Dinklage, Mark Ruffalo... Fake asses. Exploding pants. Awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I almost got you a signed copy of Three Days to Never. I was -this- close.

I haven't manged to finish my copy, yet. When the kids come, you'll know what I mean...