Thursday, August 02, 2007

crappy neighbor water hazard

Three times over the last couple weeks, my and one of my neighbor's backyards have flooded. The picture is the view from my yard into the neighbor's. Our house isn't that effected... but the water is right against the neighbors foundation. Not good.

Seems another neighbor can't figure out their inflatable above-ground pool.

  • The first time, I think they forgot to turn on the filter and decided to the drain the funky water
  • The second time, they started refilling the pool and left for the day.
  • The third time (two days after flood #2), they hadn't tightened a coupling and didn't notice the leak.
On the plus side... I've talked to my fellow-floodee neighbor more in the last week than I have in the ~2 years they've been in their house.

On the minus side. The flooder neighbor seems more annoyed that we're upset, rather than apologetic. I understand that once the water is out there isn't much they can do about it. But, it'd be nice if they seemed slightly concerned about things they do that effect their neighbors.


Anonymous said...

Your writing is seriously "affecting" my well-being today. The "effects" of your poor word usage are giving me a headache.

Sorry to hear about your crappy neighbors. That's what you get for moving out west.

neeber said...

Would you believe I put that in there just to test you?

Yeah, me either.

Anonymous said...

It's okay, I still love you.

...or don't love you any less., you're no more offensive than you've ever been.

Well, maybe a little more.