Wednesday, June 18, 2008

ready. set. go?

I'm coming to the realization that I was so focused on leaving the previous employer that I didn't think critically enough before accepting the offer at current employer. Beyond the many dead horses I've already beaten, there were plenty of hints to which I should have paid attention prior to accepting the offer.

More mixed feelings today after a meeting discussing our project's migration from usage under the current application framework to its replacement over the next 2-3 years. Felt good that our hard work to stabilize the crumbling infrastructure is recognized by the business people. Felt worse when I realized that 2+ years into a multi-million dollar project, they're finally discussing the actual mechanics and workflow of how both systems are going to be developed and maintained together. "Oh yeah... we want to release in October. We need to figure that out."

Nearly all the positives about the new job have been snuffed out. There is the potential for it to get better, but it's hard to hold on to the glimmer of hope. Other than feeling like I'm giving up, it's getting harder to find reasons to stay.

Friends at 4 different employers are looking for people... positions with varying levels of awesomeness. Or, I could strike out on my own and find something different.

But, what do I want? That's the million dollar question.

Someplace more engineer-y than my most recent work in content publishing or healthcare. Some of the work was great and challenging... other parts have been mind-numbing or downright eeeeeeeeviiiiiil. Not that the previous work in simulation was fluffy kittens.

Someplace that views R&D as a vital part of their business plan, rather than whining by engineers for 'fun' work. Maintenance can be fun -- debugging an issue, finding the cause of the crazy and esoteric problems is like unlocking a puzzle and can be very rewarding. But, it's not something that you look forward to doing as your sole activity for the next 3+ years.

Something more back-end rather than UI or web-applications. I'm pretty sure that new fangled interwebernet thing will never work. It's all TUBES! TUBES I TELLS YA!

It'd also be nice to land someplace where I could use Python for more than just throw-away utilities, and not be viewed as a rabble-rouser.


Anonymous said...

Steve, this is your boss, Mr Bossy Pants.

You're fired!!

neeber said...

Hooray! Decision is made for me!