Saturday, September 27, 2008

loving/hating Fit

We waste a huge amount of time on our legacy code base because we have no Unit tests, and no standard way the project's developers test their changes.

It's typically some error-prone manual process -- run some SQL in Toad, copy results to Excel, run the bill, re-run SQL, compare to the old results with eyeballs, pray.

I read about Fit a few months ago, and it seemed like it'd solve a lot of our problems. Blackbox testing would help build tests up around our legacy codebase. It'd also help bridge the communication gaps between onshore/offshore development, and development/business.

Finally took the time to play with it this week -- specifically, DbFit. Without any customization, I was able to write some simple SQL in a wiki page to generate a new test case for the issue I was working on this week.

I'm in love. It seems like with some minor customization we can make some huge leaps in our productivity. But I really hate trying to navigate the Fit/Fitnesse web sites for reference information. Ugh.

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