Friday, June 05, 2009


Just finished Use of Weapons by Iain M. Banks. For whatever reason, found it hard to get through. Mostly because I wasn't in much of a reading mood. The two timelines also confused me at first. I enjoyed it though, and will definitely re-read in a few months to see if I like it better the second time.

Next on the to-be-read pile, in no particular order
  • IronPython in Action
  • Watchmen
  • Dark Knight Returns
  • In Defense of Food
  • Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
In other news: Got a promotion at work (in semi-official-title but not in salary). Now I get to do even more of the things I'd rather not be doing. Good times.


Bartski said...

Letting the comic nerd in you out, eh?

Good for you.

neeber said...

Upon seeing the contents of the box from Amazon, Liz said "What are you, twelve?"

In response, I stuck my tongue out at her. PPTHBT! That showed 'er.

Bartski said...

You tell 'er! We can't let our women beat us down just because they don't understand the homoerotic appeal of men who fight crime in tight!

neeber said...

* Watchmen: meh.
* Dark Knight Returns: teh awesome

Bartski said...

Hey, I left the "s" off of "tights." I want an EDIT button!

I've never read Watchmen - this is the graphic novel thing, right? What's The Dark Knight Returns? Is that a graphic novel or one of them books filled with just words?

neeber said...

Yeah, both are graphic novel.

Bartski said...

Haha! You did it too! "Both are graphic novel."
