Saturday, July 18, 2009

no fluff just stuff SLC 2009

It was pretty good. Only went to one session that was a dud. Decided to try to go to a number of different speakers in an attempt to not get burnt out. But, I should have just stuck with all of Venkat Subramanian's sessions the first day's afternoon. He's an awesome speaker.

I enjoyed seeing other dynamic languages -- groovy, scala, clojure. Definitely seems like mixing in Groovy to any java project would be pretty easy. Loved that it removed a lot of Java's verbosity, but kept the barrier of entry low. Groovy also seemed to be much more readable than clojure or scala.

Scala seemed very interesting -- liked the type inference, and concurrency support. But, I hate hate hate the underscore. And that g-damn colon that changed the operator/operand. Maybe if I used it every day, it'd seem more readable.

I guess if people can hate Python's significant whitespace (which I love), I can have an irrational hatred of Scala's underscores/colons.

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