- lame book reviews
- lame software conference anecdotes
- odd things I've put in my mouth
Spent today at the Salt Lake Software Symposium (aka No Fluff Just Stuff). So far, the conference is very good. Attended presentations by Neal Ford, Jared Richardson, and Brian Sletten. All great presenters, showing off great technology.
A friend has tried 2-3 times to explain Aspect Oriented Programming to me. It sounded... like more trouble than it was worth. Brian Sletten's AOP presentation was very useful in cluing me in. Seeing the AspectJ/Eclipse tools in action got me all excited to try it out. The immediate use-case I have would to remove a bunch of cut-n-paste concurrent locking boilerplate in my pipeline application. If I understood it correctly (always a questionable assumption), I can replace all that code scattered throughout my class with an aspect that'll do the
try {
// .... do stuff....
} finally {
logic all from a single place for all the setters methods in my class. And a similar readLock() aspect for my getters.
Brian also presented NetKernel. Also awesome. Still trying to get a handle on how exactly we can leverage it for our needs. His Mashup/SemanticWeb/RDF presentation was also good.
Jared Richardson's presentation Shippers Unite was very good. The best part, calling sales people 'Sales Critters'. He had lots of great advice, and great best-practice type information.
Neal Ford's SOA presentation, and his keynote after dinner were also very good. His keynote, "Polyglot Programming" was very interesting. Contrasted the increasing cruft, and complexity (and irrelevancy) of the Java language against the awesomeness of the Java platform. Described the increasing place Dynamic Languages will have within the software industry. In particular their place inside managed runtime environments (either JVM or CLR).
The only major disappointment I experienced was the (apparent) disdain the conference presenters seemed to show for Python/Jython. Lots of Groovy/Ruby/JRuby/Grails rah-rah-rah. I know Rails is the new poster child, and Ruby folks should be proud. But, to give Python/Jython/IronPython hardly a mention. And, the one time the word Python appeared on a slide, to explicitly declare Ruby the winner over Python... seems premature.
Yeah, yeah. Sour grapes. Maybe I should try Ruby before deciding I don't like it... but the Perl-like $ and @ syntax rubs me the wrong way. And, maybe I should just be happy about the rising tide of dynamically typed languages that'll lift all boats.