Friday, March 12, 2010

UnitTest++ == teh awesome

Been using UnitTest++ for the last couple months on my work project. So far, enjoying it. Very simple to:
  1. set up
  2. add new tests
  3. explain to the other developers
  4. ?
  5. profit

Our unit tests are part of our project's Visual Studio solution file. Each unit test's project is setup to run the unit test as a post-build step. So far, it's caught a number of 'simple' fixes that broke some.

I've also setup a Hudson server to automatically build our project... But, I didn't want it to fail the build if the tests failed. And, I wanted to collect the XML reports when it's built from the continuous integration server.

So, rather than always just blindly calling UnitTest::RunAllTests() in the unit tests's main() function, I made a utility library that'll look at an environment variable to determine how it should run the tests.

In the unit tests's main() :

int main(int, char const *[])
return myUnitTest_runAllTests("my_test");

The utility function:

#include "cstdlib"
#include "fstream"
#include "iostream"

#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"

#include "UnitTest++/UnitTest++.h"
#include "UnitTest++/XmlTestReporter.h"

namespace bfs = boost::filesystem;

struct True
bool operator()(const UnitTest::Test* const) const
return true;

DLLExport int myUnitTest_runAllTests(const char* const testName)
char* xmlDir = 0;
size_t len;
errno_t err = _dupenv_s(&xmlDir,&len,"UNITTEST_XML_DIR");

if (err || len == 0)
// env var not set, just run the test w/ standard mechanism
return UnitTest::RunAllTests();
bfs::path p = bfs::path(xmlDir);

// free memory from _dupenv_s

// if necessary, create output directory
if (! bfs::exists(p) || ! bfs::is_directory(p))
if (!bfs::create_directories(p))
std::cerr << "Problem creating directory " << p << std::endl;
return -1;

std::string fname(testName);
fname += ".xml";

// use / operator to append filename onto path
bfs::path fpath = p / fname;

std::ofstream f(fpath.file_string().c_str());
UnitTest::XmlTestReporter reporter(f);

UnitTest::TestRunner runner(reporter);

// if we're outputting to XML, don't return failure as return code
// this way tests can fail without it making the automated build think the build failed.
int ret = runner.RunTestsIf(UnitTest::Test::GetTestList(),NULL,True(),0);

return 0;


And then you just point Hudson's xUnit plugin at the generated reports. Came together suprisingly easy

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Stayed up waaaay too late last night watching movies...

  • Balls Out: Gary the Tennis Coach. Bizarre. Funny. If you enjoy Sean William Scott acting goofy, you might like this movie.
  • Boondock Saints. Meh. Not sure if I can say I watched this since really I fast-forwarded through most of it... especially parts with Willem Dafoe chewing up the scenery.
  • No Country For Old Men. Tense. Exciting. Good
  • The Reader. Good thing I saved this feel-good hit for last... OMG. Downer. But very good.

won't you please help... provide a MILF-related punchline

We got the following notice at work today

Subject: Mountain Lion Warning

The following warning has been issued for the Research Park area:

Building management has recently noticed unusual wildlife activities around the Williams Building property. Specifically several mountain lions have been sighted in and around the parking deck. Building management is working with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources with regard to this activity however we want to make you aware of the following guidelines from Wildlife Resources should you encounter a mountain lion when entering or leaving the facility:

  • Do not panic. Most lions will try to avoid confrontation.
  • Raise your arms to make yourself appear as large as possible. Lions prefer smaller prey.
  • Slowly back away. Never run and never turn your back toward the cougar. Yell at the lion and wave your arms as you back away.
  • Do not make direct eye contact. Lions perceive eye contact as aggressive behavior.
  • If you are attacked, fight back. Try to prevent the lion from getting behind you.

Please let us know if you notice any unusual wildlife activity in & around our parking lot.