At the moment, the developers manually run SQL scripts to peek at various bits of data. Definitely a huge waste of time.
So, I'm playing with Python + Elixir + PyYAML to get a script that I can just pass in the bill ID and it'll query the 5-6 tables and serialize the bill to something more human readable. If I play my cards right, I'll never have to deal with Toad again.
Elixir works its magic and I can query my database. The autoload didn't work, and there are a couple tables with 50-100+ columns. Serializing it to YAML without repeating myself is now the trick.
I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but here's what I came up with... applied to the Elixir tutorial. Not the most exciting thing ever. But, it's the start of building a better testing framework. Doing the same for the real tables will make it much easier to compare a bill before and after running through our application.
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
from elixir import *
from yaml import load, dump
from yaml import CLoader as Loader
from yaml import CDumper as Dumper
except ImportError:
from yaml import Loader, Dumper
def _toYamlRep(ent):
Given an elixir entity, query the entity's members via its __dict__
and return a dict
ret = {}
for (k,v) in ent.__dict__.items():
if k.startswith('_') or k == 'row_type':
# don't print out the 'hidden' keys
if v:
ret[k] = str(v)
return ret
class YamlEntity(Entity):
def toYamlRep(self):
Wrap the _toYamlRep() dict in another dict, use the class' name as the header.
return {self.__class__.__name__ : _toYamlRep(self) }
class Movie(YamlEntity):
title = Field(String(30))
year = Field(Integer())
description = Field(Text())
director = ManyToOne('Director')
def __repr__(self):
return '<Movie: "%s" (%d)>'%(self.title,self.year)
class Director(YamlEntity):
name = Field(String(60))
movies = OneToMany('Movie')
def __repr__(self):
return '<Director: "%s">'%(
def main():
metadata.bind = "sqlite://"
rscott = Director(name="Ridley Scott")
glucas = Director(name="George Lucas")
alien = Movie(title="Alien", year=1979, director=rscott)
swars = Movie(title="Star Wars", year=1977, director=glucas)
brunner = Movie(title="Blade Runner", year=1982, director=rscott)
for m in Movie.query().all():
print dump(m.toYamlRep(),Dumper=Dumper,default_flow_style=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
And, here's the output:
director: '<Director: "George Lucas">'
director_id: '2'
id: '3'
title: Star Wars
year: '1977'
director: '<Director: "Ridley Scott">'
director_id: '1'
id: '4'
title: Alien
year: '1979'
director: '<Director: "Ridley Scott">'
director_id: '1'
id: '5'
title: Blade Runner
year: '1982'