One friend at old employer resigned. Finally. Sucks for those that are left behind, but it's a great move for him.
As for me, I'm still trying to decide how long to stick it out at the current employer. Finally feel like I'm getting the hang of my current project. We're continuing to refine our processes, and we've got two new engineers that seem to be very good. Now that I've settled into the rut, I've been knocked out of it to take over as tech lead for one of the people that's leaving. More responsibility, higher profile, more interesting work... I should want that right? And not the cozy rut?
In less wishy-washy-I-am-lame news, things I'm enjoying:
- Dexter
- Dr. Horrible
- 'A Fire Upon the Deep' by Vernor Vinge. I couldn't put it down. Read until 4am night before last, and 2am last night. Very good.