Wednesday, November 30, 2005

scandal! <*bum bum bummmmmmm*>

You know what's surreal?

Hearing your uncle-in-law mentioned on the Colbert Report as part of the Duke Cunningham scandal. The segment isn't available for download from Comedy Central's web site... but luckily Tivo didn't wear out as we rewind over and over to make sure we heard correctly.

So of course I've spent today googling up information instead of working. Here's a San Diego tribune story that mentions it. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And here's a story in USA Today. Or... just use this google news link.

We hadn't heard anything about it till last night. Don't know much about it... other than a number of my relatives-in-law work for him, so if he is found guilty that could be very bad for them. Maybe we better clean up the spare rooms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FYI, most of what you are reading is complete conjecture...conjcture with a healthy heaping of fiction, but it does make an interesting read. Maybe Dan Brown will base his next novel on these events.

Look what I did