Monday, May 19, 2008


When last we saw "Steve's lame-assed adventures in IT", I was relating my struggles with our IT department. This morning's update:
  • I reply, "I don't know what group name you're asking for? How do I find that information?"
  • Tech-support person #6 replies, "Global group used by your team to access servers."
  • I reply, "I have a 'global group to access servers'? I log in using my XYZ domain account. I don't know what group you're asking for. Is the global group one of the access groups listed in service request system F?"
  • Tech-support person #6 replies, "Yes, global group is a access group."

I don't know if this is progress or not.

Further complicating matters... the process improvements Jeff and I have suggested appear to have helped us meet this month's release. The group's communication is improving, the code reviews caught some subtle problems, and it seems like meeting the deadline may not only be because of the handful of items they dropped off the release plan. And, Jeff and I are spitballing some ideas to for a unit testing framework so the developers can test their modifications without manually running SQL statements to verify the result of their changes.

It seems like we could be successful. If only we're not ground up by the monthly release chaos.

But, is it worth it? I'd hate to run away after only 2 months, but it gets very discouraging. There are at least two friends who have jobs to fill, one unknown but potentially awesome and another known and good-to-awesome.

I don't feel like I'm growing technically. But, I'm definitely growing in terms of dealing with projects, customers, and other developers onshore-and-offshore. Maybe the pain is worth it. On the plus side, Jeff and I have the complete support of the business-side to make the changes we're planning. They're suprisingly enthusiastic.

1 comment:

Mark N. said...

I will make no comments about any grass being somewhat greener on the other side...