Wednesday, July 07, 2010

latest developments

Books read:

  • Forest of Hands and Teeth -- Like someone mashed up The Village with Zombies. Pretty good, except for the teenage angsty bits.
  • Ariel -- Post-apocolyptic, technology-fails, SCA members finally feel superier, boy-meets-unicorn story. You know, that old chestnut. Enjoyed it more than S.M. Stirlin's Dies the Fire.
  • Boneshaker -- Zeppelins, Zombies, Zteampunk. Fun and exciting.


  • Valkrie -- Interesting story I'd heard bits of before. Unrealistic-sounding, preachy dialog about their motives kind of took you out of the story. Not that the end result of what they were trying for was bad... just that at least the politician's motives seemed more realistic, while the military guys were more pie-in-the-sky. But, maybe that's how it actually went down.
  • Undead or Alive -- Chris Kattan and James Denton as cowboys during a zombie outbreak. Suprisingly good and funny in a shut-off-your-brain kind of way. The zombies were too unkillable, but still fun. Navi Rawat was as annoying as ever.

1 comment:

Bartski said...

That all you got, slacker?