- Balls Out: Gary the Tennis Coach. Bizarre. Funny. If you enjoy Sean William Scott acting goofy, you might like this movie.
- Boondock Saints. Meh. Not sure if I can say I watched this since really I fast-forwarded through most of it... especially parts with Willem Dafoe chewing up the scenery.
- No Country For Old Men. Tense. Exciting. Good
- The Reader. Good thing I saved this feel-good hit for last... OMG. Downer. But very good.
I have seen exactly...none of those films.
Nor do I see myself rushing out to see any of them.
I'd heard the ending for No Country For Old Men was disappointingly bad, so I've steered clear of that one.
What's The Reader about?
Have you seen Taken? I only recently saw that one. Two thumbs way up!
Have you read any of SM Sterling's books? They're so good. I am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil was really good too. Very funny. Have you read it or did you just think my evilness would embrace it?
The Reader is the ol' bait and switch.
First half hour, sexy-times with Kate Winslet and a teenager.
Then it turns into a Holocaust movie.
It's actually quite good.
I read one of SM Sterling's Dies the Fire books. Partially liked it, partially greatly annoyed by it.
Glad you liked the book. Hadn't read it, but saw it and thought of you.
"First half hour, sexy-times with Kate Winslet and a teenager.
Then it turns into a Holocaust movie."
I used those same words only in a different order to convince my friend to watch it with me. I had started it and wanted to finish it with company so I said: It's a movie about the Jewish Holocaust.
He answers that he knows everything about the holocaust and has seen all the movies worth seeing on the subject. I then told him Kate Winslets gets down and dirty with a kid.
He watched the movie with me.
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